Error Message :
Connection Failed!!!
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-01115: IO error reading block from file
(block # )
ORA-01110: data file 1:
ORA-15081: failed to submit an I/O operation to a
The oracle database Prd605 is down, My 11gr2
database on RHEL 6.3. When we checked the alert log file of the database, we
came to know that the asm raw file /dev/dm-16 is not accessible.Also the
permissions of the /dev/dm-* are changed to root:disk instead of
Root Cause:
ASM could not communicate to the Database due to
all existing ASM disks went to read only mode and permissions are changed
to ROOT after multipath reload.
To fix this issue, we have defined necessary
udev rules to preserve ownership permission while reloading multipath service
1. Create
a file with the UDEV rules for raw device permission setting should be placed
into rule files under the directory/etc/udev/rules.d/
The file should contain the default
system rules contained in the
50-udev-permissions.rules file
Add the below content in the above file
(Note: Change the {DM_NAME}==”____“ according to the disk name)
OWNER:="oracle", GROUP:="oinstall", MODE:="660"
4. start
the start_udev service
[root@linux1]# start_udev
udev: [ OK ]
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